Thursday, September 3, 2009

So Here I Am

I'm Terri. A fifty-something woman whose thirty-something adult child thinks she should blog. Well, that's certainly a good start. No, actually, the "good start" was learning what a blog really is, how to start one and what to do with it. Well, we're all set up. Let's go...

I'm on a quest right now... I'm at that place where suddenly whatever I do with my life matters so much more to me on a spiritual level than it ever seemed to before. My parents and their families all died in their 70's (or younger.) Great gene pool, right? That means that, optimistically, if I outlive them all I have a good thirty years left to "do it right."

What does that mean? It means finding the optimum meaning in every moment that I can muster. Being present; making a difference; leaving my mark.

I've recently become familiar with the concept of mindfulness -- being focused on NOW and learning how to exclude as many unrelated thoughts that I can in the process. I'm a baby in this journey, but I've already felt the surreal results of stopping and experiencing the now. Then, the clarity of making that difference seems to creep in like the fog creeps in during the early morning when everything is still and quiet. Gradual but very present.

I have a lot to learn and a lot of exciting goals for my last 30 years. I am studying to become an RN (crazy or what?) I want to work with people who are nearing the ends of their lives and help make that experience as easy and peaceful as I can for them and their families. As St. Francis said, "I want to be an instrument of God's Peace."

In order to do that, I need to become stronger; thicken up my skin a little. No matter what the heart's intentions are, it is a very challenging world out there and I need to learn to stand up to it a little in order to the the work I feel called to do. I need to slow down my thoughts; practice more gratitude; not try to please; enjoy the moment; carpe diem. What a process.

I think this will help, writing about my experiences and how this all comes together. Maybe someone will read this who is also trying to make the most out of their last 30 years. Maybe not. But, it doesn't really matter as long as it helps in some way.

To my adult child? Thank you for new possibilities. To my God? Thank you for letting me be. Can't wait to get started.

1 comment:

  1. You say that you can't wait to get started. The reality is that you have already begun. You are on your journey. What has been pointed out to me about such a statement is also the truth that you have already reached your destination.

    I, too, can relate to the prime importance of practicing spirituality within my life. We are all instruments and channels of God's peace. Isn't it sad that so many never come to realize that. That is part of the mystery. Yet the beauty is that you have recognized that you have been called forth and you have discovered what your purpose is for the present time.

    Do not worry about any past tendencies which you seem to be judging as weaknesses - easier said than done. I would suggest that you simply affirm that you possess everything you need in order to accomplish your purpose. Claim the gift that you wish to receive as if you possess it now. Remember that your spirit is strong and that any past tendencies have only been significant in having brought you to the transformed person who you are and to your today.
